
The concept and idea behind Gravity Security was that everyone deserves a foundational level of security and privacy when it comes to technology. As technology becomes an ever larger part of our lives, a truly secure and privacy minded world can only be attained with an educated population.

In 2023, at the annual hacker convention BlackHat in Las Vegas, the White House acting national cyber director Kemba Walden discussed an educated population. “How do we make digital literacy the same as writing and math? We need to make sure we are teaching cybersecurity to our kids so that it is fully folded into the fabric of our society,” she said. That idea tied with a personal love of technology and a love of people formulated the idea behind this effort.

This website and the path of Gravity Security aims to help teach cybersecurity concepts in a way that is easy to understand. It will cover topics related to device security, Internet and network security, privacy, online scams and other areas of concern.

About Me

I started building my first computers around the age of 13 or 14 and have had a fascination with technology ever since. Professionally, I am coming up on close to 20 years of service in the military with a career in military intelligence. My education includes holding a B.S. in Information Systems Security and numerous training courses at the annual BlackHat security conference in Las Vegas to include hacking fundamentals, web application exploitation and others.

Lately, I’ve gotten into maintaining my own “homelab” environment where I run numerous servers and self host different services to include media applications, network services and my own testing environment. Other personal hobbies include snowboarding, motorcycles, camping and gaming.
